Visual artists
Daniel Besnyo & Patrik Kiss [HU] | Cloudhitects
Transforming the great buildings of Hungary to virtual cloud architectures opens possibilities for exploring their beauty independently from the actual location and general point of views.
Filled with atmospheric live soundscapes, a dreamlike journey will begin into a reimagined city as an interactive playground.

"During the experiment we use laser-scanned spaces(virtually represented as 3D point clouds) and manipulate them in 3D environment as particle systems."
Daniel Besnyo is a visual artist and VJ from Budapest, Hungary who was one of the founders of the first Hungarian professional forum of his field: VJ Centrum Budapest.
Patrik Kiss is generally a sound artist from Budapest, Hungary who after several music bands and electronic music performances, started to work as a sound designer and lately explores audio-visual peripherals and procedural 3D possibilities.
www.centrumproduction.comMEET OUR AWESOME PARTNERS
Time Based Media / CZ
Visual projects of Time Based Media creators use the potential of young creators and university students of artistic studies, who are creating light and kinetic site-specific objects and installations on the edge of applied and fine art. Representative of the creative group - Jan Poš among other things also deals with light installations for the KOMIKS warehouse music event.